How to Sell Photos on Shutterstock | Complete with Terms & Steps!

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How to Sell Photos on Shutterstock | Complete with Terms & Steps!  - How to sell photos on Shutterstock is of course different from selling on e-commerce such as Shopee, Tokopedia, and others.

This is because Shutterstock is actually a platform for providing images in the form of photos, vectors or paintings. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, Shutterstock was used as an alternative for passive income!

For users who like photography, visual design, to digital painting that have a lot of work and are confused about what to do, I suggest selling it at Shutterstock.

The income you get is pretty good because you will get income in dollars!

Are you curious about how to sell photos on Shutterstock? The following will explain the methods in full.

Photo Preparation Before Sale on Shutterstock

There are a number of criteria that must be fulfilled before you upload and sell your photos on Shutterstock. Not just any photos that you can sell here.

The reason is, there will be verification from Shutterstock to assess whether your photo is appropriate and in accordance with the applicable terms or criteria.

The following is a description of the photo criteria on Shutterstock that need to be met first:

  • Visible Trademark, meaning that the photo you upload to Shutterstock has a logo or brand. Like there should be no billboards or advertisements scattered on the road, whether attached to walls, glass, or other places where the advertisement is caught by your camera.
  • Editorial Photo, if it is not possible to remove the branding in the photo, then you need to upload it using the editorial method. If you choose an editorial photo, your photo cannot be used for business matters, but only to be taken to illustrate the latest news.
  • Release Model, meaning that in your photo there are people that are very clear. If you are familiar with the model, you must fill out the model release form and it must be signed by that person. But if the opposite is true, you have to make it an editorial photo.
  • Non-Licensable Content, which means you are uploading content that is illegal or unauthorized.
  • Noise, Artifacts, Film Grain, meaning Shutterstock cannot accept photos that have noise in them.
  • Focus & Composition, a number of photos failed to upload because in the photo it is not clear where the focus point of the object is. To be sure, you can use the best laptop or PC photo editing software.
  • Image Size, Shutterstock only accepts photos with a size of 4 megapixels and has high image quality or does not break when zoomed in. You can edit it using a photo editing application first.
  • Title / Description, look for the right title to describe the atmosphere in the photo.

How to Sell Photos on Shutterstock

Next, ApkVenue will explain the complete tutorial on how to sell photos on Shutterstock clearly.

  • Go to the official Shutterstok website and log in if you already have an account. Shutterstock
  • After entering, on the profile homepage click the UPLOAD button to upload a photo.
  • Just select a folder or drag-n-drop them onto the upload page.
  • After the upload process is complete, the NEXT button will appear. Click on it and then write a description and keywords.
  • This step is very important and should not be skipped! Make sure the keywords are relevant and accurate.
  • When done, press SEND.
  • Shutterstock will review the photo to ensure that it is sharp, legal, tagged, and so on.
  • They will provide a license on the Shutterstock site within a day or two.

That's how to sell photos on Shutterstock for beginners. With the right strategy and relevant keywords, it's guaranteed that many are looking for your photos!

Thanks ~

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