4 Ways to Make a Bibliography in Word (Microsoft Word) 2021 Complete | Fast and Easy!

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 4 Ways to Make a Bibliography in Word (Microsoft Word) 2021 Complete | Fast and Easy! - Talking about thesis bibliography but confused about how to make a neat and easy bibliography in Microsoft Word, huh? Making a bibliography in Ms Word is a vital part of a thesis and journal. There is information regarding the sources that we use as references in the bibliography.

It's just that, often compiling a bibliography in Word can make us emotional. Bibliography has a lot of data that must be entered in the Ms Word worksheet so that the process of making a bibliography from a thesis or journal requires accuracy.

For that, this time I will give you the fastest and easiest way to make a bibliography in Microsoft Word!

Bibliography Compilation Rules

Bibliography should not be written just. There are arrangement rules that must be fulfilled by the compilers. Before telling more about how to make it, ApkVenue wants to share some important rules when compiling a bibliography!

How to Create a Bibliography in Word

If you type it manually, the activity of making a bibliography will be very complicated and tedious.

Imagine if your reference is more than one hundred, it can curl your fingers. Fortunately, Microsoft Word has a feature that will make it easier for you to create a bibliography.

Without further ado, just follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 - Download Microsoft Word Software
    Previously, make sure you have Microsoft Word software. If you don't have one, you can download it via the link below:
  • Step 2 - Open the Manage Sources Menu
    If Microsoft Word is installed on your computer, open the application. After that, click on the REFERENCES tab present at the top. Select Manage Sources.
  • Step 3 - Create a New Bibliography
    After entering the Manage Sources menu, click the New button to enter the source of the book / site you want to include.
  • Step 4 - Entering the Source Data
    You will enter some information regarding the source that you are referring to. First, you must have the source type and language.
    After that, enter the other information as completely as possible. If so, press the OK button. Click New again if there are still sources you want to add.
  • Step 5 - Inserting Bibliography into Word
    Selanjutnya, kamu bisa menambahkan daftar pustaka secara otomatis ke dalam Word. Caranya, klik tab REFERENCES, lantas pilih Bibliography > Insert Bibliography.
  • Done! Your bibliography has appeared in your report quickly and easily.

Those were some ** ways to create a bibliography using Microsoft Word **. It turns out that the method is really easy, right? Now, the process of writing a bibliography from a thesis or journal can be smoother in Ms Word. Also help friends by making a bibliography by sharing this article, OK!

Hopefully the bibliography article from ApkVenue can help complete the task of your thesis or journal in Word!

Hopefully Helpful | Thank you ~

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